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So far kirky has created 95 blog entries.

The MIT-Haiti Initiative: An International Engagement

By: Haynes Miller I had the following dream the other night. I was getting my 10-year-old daughter ready for school. School was important: an education was the only pathway to a better future for her. She showed me her homework from the night before. I thought it was well done, though I couldn’t understand most [...]

By | March 13th, 2017|News|Comments Off on The MIT-Haiti Initiative: An International Engagement

August 2015 Workshop Announcement

MIT Workshops on Technology-Enhanced and Open Education Campus Henry Christophe Lemonade, State University of Haiti Monday - Wednesday, 24-26 August 2015 Organizers: Audalbert BIEN-AIMÉ (CHCL, UEH) Michel DeGraff & Vijay Kumar (MIT) The MIT-Haiti Initiative cordially invites you to participate in the next Technology-Enhanced and Open Education workshop, to be held on August 24-26, 2015 [...]

By | July 24th, 2015|Featured, News|0 Comments

Michel DeGraff on Haiti’s new policy for teaching in Kreyòl

MIT scholar, and advocate of native-language instruction, backs linguistic change. by Peter Dizikes | MIT News Office July 20, 2015 This month, Haiti’s government announced a new policy to educate students in Kreyòl, the native language of most Haitians, rather than French, the language traditionally used in schools. Introducing Kreyòl-language instruction has been a cause [...]

By | July 21st, 2015|Featured, News|0 Comments

First Ever Kreyòl Alphabet Songs and Videos

TARPON SPRINGS, Fla., June 22, 2015 | PRNewswire The first ever Kreyòl (Haitian Creole) alphabet songs as educational videos have been created and made available online, it was announced today. The groundbreaking project is the result of collaboration between Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Linguistics Professor Michel DeGraff and recognized Kreyòl advocate Mandaly Louis-Charles. The [...]

By | June 24th, 2015|Featured, News, Video|0 Comments

Today, Friday, May 15: Last call for votes in NSF Video Showcase

Please help the MIT-Haiti Initiative make this video go viral for the greater good in Haiti. We need more than 8,000 to move up from 2nd position among more than 100 contestants. Contest ends this Friday, May 15, at 11:59PM. Please hurry and click on "Public Choice" for instructions on how to vote and get [...]

By | May 13th, 2015|Featured, News|0 Comments

Minister Nesmy Manigat on the Future of Education and the MIT Haiti-Initiative

(Video is in Kreyòl) Minister Nesmy Manigat (Haiti's Ministry of National Education and Professional Formaiton) talks about the future of education in Haiti and the Ministry's collaboration with the MIT-Haiti Initiative. Kendy Vérilus (Verilux Films) conducted the interview on February 22, 2015.

By | May 11th, 2015|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Professor Guerda Jean-Guillaume talks about MIT-Haiti Initiative

(Video is in Kreyòl) Professor Guerda Jean-Guillaume talks about her experience as a mathematics teacher in the MIT-Haiti Initiative. MIT Professor Haynes Miller and his team in MIT's Department of Mathematics have developed a software package called "Mathlets" , some of which have been translated by Pierre Michel Chéry and Paul Belony [...]

By | May 11th, 2015|Video|0 Comments

Laurent Lamothe at MIT Sloan on MIT-Haiti Initiative

(Video is in English) Laurent Lamothe (Former Prime Minister of Haiti, 2012-2014) at MIT Sloan on April 13, 2015, giving "Dean's Innovative Leaders Series" lecture. This excerpt is from the question-&-answer period during which Laurent Lamothe discussed how the MIT-Haiti Initiative is opening up access to quality education in Haiti---thus, dismantling Haiti's centuries-old linguistic apartheid. [...]

By | May 11th, 2015|News, Video|0 Comments

DeGraff accepts MIT Martin Luther King Jr. Leadership Award

Comments on My Acceptance of the MIT Martin Luther King Jr. Leadership Award By: Michel DeGraff I am from Haiti. In Haiti, when we enter a room and greet our audience, we say, in Haitian Creole, “Onè,” which means that we honor each and all of you in the audience. And the audience responds “Respè” [...]

By | May 5th, 2015|Featured, News, Video|1 Comment

NSF Spotlight – Revolutionizing Education in Haiti

Revolutionizing Education in Haiti For the first time ever, Haitian faculty are using digital resources for active learning in their national language of Haitian Creole (aka “Kreyòl”) for high school and university-level education in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). Open digital resources created at MIT and elsewhere and translated into Kreyol, are providing portable [...]

By | May 4th, 2015|News|1 Comment